Showcase your products in our KIOSK.

Every month, a top location in the centre of Kortrijk is made available to a regional company that will set up an innovative presentation of their products or services in cooperation with a designer. The matching between company and designer is done by Designregio Kortrijk.

Toppand Legg Kiosk
KIOSK Panta Rhei 2
IMG 3295
2024 10 19 Wonder Low Res 224
Paintfactory day 7
KIOSK FROCK gallery 3
KIOSK The Pots Company 3
SIJS Kiosk zon 7
K kiosk 23
Kandu Kiosk 1
Brachot 6
KIOSK Loof namiddag 1
IMG 2559
Bert Demasure DRK Trybou kiosk teasers web03
IMG 9341
Q lite 8
IMG 2286
Smappee KIOSK 2
Vonken Kiosk
Bar Partout 3
Tom Vandeweghe
Stad Kortrijk
Contact Lisa!