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Gold fever in the KIOSK!

The Kortrijk-based lighting manufacturer Wever & Ducré starts the autumn period with 'a touch of gold'. In the KIOSK of Designregio Kortrijk, they present their MIRRO lighting collection in collaboration with the interior designers of COBRAS.

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Wever & Ducré from Kortrijk is a resounding name in the lighting world. Since 2011, the brand has been part of the Austrian multinational XAL, but their activities are centralised in Kortrijk (in two locations for now). Next month, in the KIOSK on the Graanmarkt in Kortrijk, they will present their golden MIRRO collection.

The MIRRO product line was designed by 13&9 DESIGN from Austria. The design agency always puts people first and wants to create a connection between product and user. MIRRO therefore consists of a mirrored surface that creates a relationship between user, product and light. The shimmering, circular luminaire bathes every room in a warm and inviting light. The collection includes wall, ceiling, pendant, table and floor luminaires.

The concept for the KIOSK was developed by Cobras interior architects from Heule. Cobras, with founder Jelle Vandecasteele, is known for its rock & roll style and is therefore an ideal match for Wever & Ducré. Cobras mainly focuses on work-life balanced architecture. On the one hand, they create workplaces with respect for the company, colleagues and the individual, and on the other hand, they are known for their re-use projects.

With the KIOSK, Cobras and Wever & Ducré wanted to create an infinity room. Everywhere you look, you experience a mirror effect that makes the space seem infinite and creates a dynamic relationship with the passers-by.

In the Kiosk in the centre of Kortrijk, an innovative presentation is set up every month by a regional company in collaboration with a designer.

For more information, please contact:

Wever & Ducré

+32 56 492800


+32(0)486 51 15 56

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More info? ContactLisa Declercq