About Designregio Kortrijk
Designregio Kortrijk brings talent together in our creative design region to imagine, design and make a better future. We organise projects that stimulate creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship, we inspire by bringing good practices and connect by being the engine of a network of companies, designers, education and public space.
Designregio Kortrijk started in 2005 as a collaboration between Intermunicipal Leiedal, Chamber of Commerce Voka West-Flanders, City of Kortrijk, University college Howest and Kortrijk Xpo.
Thanks to our large experience in this field, in the autumn of 2017 the Kortrijk region had the opportunity to join a worldwide network of 350 cities that use creativity as a lever for sustainable development: the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.
Since then, you can call us a proud UNESCO Creative Cities Ambassador.


Stijn Debaillie

Stijn Debaillie

Lisa Declercq

Lisa Declercq
Lisa is responsible for the offline and online visibility and communication of Designregio Kortrijk. She is always looking for the next big thing in young design talent and builds up the creative community of the organisation.

Stan Dewaele

Stan Dewaele
Stan is the link between the industry and the designers. Under his coordination, the innovation processes with companies and designers take shape. As coordinator of the open makerspace BUDA::lab, he keeps his finger on the pulse of the makerspace world.

Lise Van Tendeloo

Lise Van Tendeloo
Every year, Lise invites promising international designers to Kortrijk for exciting residency projects. She is also responsible for the research and experimentation part of the organisation.

Sébastien Hylebos

Sébastien Hylebos
Sébastien assists businesses in innovation and design. He is also responsible for projects on circular economy and digitalisation in cooperation with companies and designers.

Vanessa Flamez

Vanessa Flamez
Business Development
Contact us

Marijke Bouciqué

Marijke Bouciqué
Project Management

Freek Clinckemaillie

Freek Clinckemaillie
With strong local roots in the Kortrijk region, we aim to further strengthen the eco-system and spread our wings in Flanders and abroad.

Board of Directors
Mieck Vos
Matthieu Marisse, Advocacy Central-South West Flanders Voka - Chamber of Commerce West Flanders
Frederik D’hulster, Managing Director Howest
Ruth Vandenberghe, eerste schepen Stad Kortrijk
Filip Vanhaverbeke, Managing Director Intercommunal Leiedal
Saskia Soete de Boosere, General Manager Kortrijk Xpo
Patrick De Baets, Dean Faculty of Engineering and Architecture