Commerce Design Kortrijk Award 2022
With the Commerce Design Kortrijk Award, the City of Kortrijk and Designregio Kortrijk put creative and innovative businesses and designers in the spotlight. For the 2nd edition, 15 businesses were selected.
Cast your vote for your favourite project now!
The winner will be announced on Tuesday 25 October.
"Commerce Design" is an award programme developed in Montréal, one of the partner cities of the city of Kortrijk in the UNESCO network.
With Commerce Design Kortrijk, we want to show that design-oriented or commercial adaptations to shops not only have a positive impact on the shop itself, but also on the entire neighbourhood and even city and region.
We want to reward these efforts and put our creative and innovative Kortrijk businesses and designers in the spotlight.
Cast your vote
15 trade businesses were selected by the jury to enter the Commerce Design Kortrijk Award competition. They now have a chance to win the Jury Grand Prize and the Public Choice Award. This public prize will be awarded to the project that can secure the most votes between 29 September and 20 October.Below you can click on a merchant for more info and photos. From there, you can then cast your vote for your favourite project!


Our expert jury has made a selection from the many entries. On 25 October, they will present the Jury Grand Prizes to the winners. Jury members:
Marjorie Heuskin, Assistante de Projets, Ideta - Partner Design IN
Thomas Chuzeville, Responsible Design & Innovation, Lille Design - Partner Design IN
Leonie Van Damme, Design Director Interior, We Want More
Jacinthe De Guire,Commissaire au design, Bureau du Design, Montréal
Marie-Amélie Cnockaert, Urban Designer
Mathieu Desmet, Stadsarchitect, Stad Kortrijk