Ontdek de ontwerpers van morgen

Who are the next generation of designers within product design, architecture, graphic design and game design?
Every year since 2014, Designregio Kortrijk and its partners have been looking for the most promising young designers from Belgium's creative design education.
Visit the free exhibition between 20 October and 6 November at the Budafabriek in Kortrijk, as part of the WONDER Creativity Festival.
WONDER Creativity Festival

In these challenging times, WONDER Creativity Festival helps expand your view with products and concepts that will make our future.
Physical, digital or phygital? At 8 Kortrijk city locations, the next generation will let you be surprised by what is and amazed by what is to come....
20.10 - 06.11, each time from Thursday to Sunday, 11am - 7pm, free to visit.
Thanks to the jury members from the various design fields:
Hera Van Sande JUNO architects and artistic director Archipel, Maarten Gheysen urban designer Studio UAD, Marie-Amélie Cnockaert urban design architect, Tine Poot Consultant Design Flemish Architecture Institute, Sang Vandenbosch Bureau Boschberg, Dries Otten Dries Otten, Heleen Van Loon Z33 House for Contemporary Art, Design and Architecture, Mies Van Roy Flanders DC / for Design, Fien Meelberghs DIFT, Hanne Debaere Flanders DC, Laura Willems Surplace, Elien Haentjens journalist and curator and AnnaMariaCornelia de Gersem Studio AnnaMariaCornelia and BekaertDeslee.
Exhibition design by Dries Otten, courtesy of Geldof Recycling, Corex Group & Lab 9.
Graphics by Bureau Boschberg with illustrations by Nel Maertens

Discover all exhibitors via the webpage or @wearethenextgeneration.be