Save the date: 2th edition of WONDER
Second edition of creative city festival WONDER takes place this autumn on the Van Marcke site in Kortrijk.
From 15 October to 14 November 2021, Kortrijk presents the second edition of the creative city festival WONDER. Wonderment and optimism are at the centre of a month-long inspirational circuit for young and old. The many creative, cultural and socio-economic organisations and educational institutions of Kortrijk present a coherent programme that perfectly reflects the creativity of the city and the region. The location where all this takes place is the factory buildings on the former Van Marcke site - also known as the old De Coene site - in Weggevoerdenlaan. This special location provides an extraordinary backdrop, and is being opened up in this way for the first time.

This edition of WONDER will have as its theme 'PLEASE, HAVE A SEAT'. Sitting down together, coming together, enjoying together, being together: the corona crisis has made us all more aware of the importance of social interaction and its impact on people and society. With this theme, WONDER not only makes room for seating elements in all their forms and functions, but also wants to show the importance and impact of social interaction, coming together and social action. Both young design talent and established names will work on the theme through exhibitions, art installations, workshops, lectures, innovative projects and surprising presentations.
The highlight is the new exhibition and design concept of Biennale Interieur, which combines an interactive overview exhibition on the chair with a curated gallery of hundreds of seating elements of different styles, brands, finishes, prices, ... which takes a look at the must-know or must-have chairs of the moment. Biennale Interieur thus offers a new platform for brands, designers and the public to meet. It will be an open, accessible event with both an artistic and a commercial touch.
Together with Designregio Kortrijk, we will once again be giving young design talent from all over Flanders a stage in the exhibition WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION and bringing them together with the industry via an experience installation. In addition, we will show the realisations of innovation projects with companies and designers. Our new batch of Designers in Residence Kortrijk will be presented. They will give a new interpretation of the relationship and meaning of City/Nature, based on their involvement with and interpretation of the city of Kortrijk and its wider region. Together with IVC Commercial we are letting two young, promising designers loose on their product under the guidance of an experienced designer under the name Hack The Material. The internationally renowned and 100% Belgian flooring brand IVC Commercial, which produces vinyl floor coverings among other things, is letting the next generation of designers experiment with the influence of its products on people's well-being. IVC Commercial always aims to create interior solutions that contribute to the well-being and mental health of the people who work and live in them. We also plan a number of fascinating events and talks.
During WONDER, the Industrial Product Design students of Howest will present their own self-made chair, inspired by the famous Italian designer Enzo Mari, and will work with projections and projection mapping on the theme 'Please have a seat'. The programme also includes sound art installations through the Wild West, a trail of outdoor installations, workshops and architecture lectures.
The full programme will be announced later.
"Due to corona, the Biennale Interieur could not take place last year and we also had to cancel the first edition of the city festival WONDER prematurely. The traditional biennale will have to wait until 2022, but Interieur will be present at WONDER with its new concept 'Please, have a Seat'. In addition, WONDER will once again be the showcase for everything creative in our region. There are few places where you can find as much creativity as here. The general public will also get the chance to get to know the old Van Marcke industrial site. There we are working on one of the most important urban renewal projects for the next ten years: a new district of 15 hectares, within walking distance of the station, where people will live, work and learn."
"In Kortrijk you can enjoy culture non-stop: in the spring we had Track & Trace, currently our interactive art triennial Paradise is running and in the autumn you will be surprised by the creative festival Wonder. At the same time, discover the Van Marcke site that offers our city so much potential and about which you will undoubtedly hear a lot more."
The partners: Biënnale Interieur, Designregio Kortrijk, Howest, Hangar K, Wilde Westen, arts centre BUDA, Paradise Kortrijk 2021, Van Marcke, Leiedal, Library Kortrijk
The location: This edition of WONDER takes place on the former Van Marcke site. Van Marcke has now built a sustainable logistics centre on the outskirts of Kortrijk (Aalbeke). The old site in Weggevoerdenlaan is empty but has an exciting future ahead of it. As owner, Van Marcke joined forces with the City of Kortrijk to jointly shape a future-proof new urban district. Together with the Flemish Government Architect's Team, an open call was launched for a design team. The collective UAU (Hasselt) and Omgeving (Antwerp) emerged as the winner to design the future of the site.
The large site on Weggevoerdenlaan is located between the station and Pottelberg, near a number of schools and within walking distance of the centre and Kortrijk Weide. A strategic location, where a new part of town can grow with room for business, living, working, learning and living. The designated design team Surroundings - UAU is working out a master plan for the entire site. But before this old Van Marcke site is given a new lease of life, WONDER settles here.
Practical: WONDER - Kortrijk Creativity Festival15 October - 14 November 2021Prespreview PLEASE, TAKE A SEAT: 14 October, Van Marcke site