OPEN CALL: Designers in Residence Kortrijk 2021
Designregio Kortrijk is looking for 3 highly motivated and recently graduated designer-makers or creative artists to join in a regional residency program in Kortrijk, Belgium.
The Designers in Residence Kortrijk program is a 3-month full time working residency from October 2021 to January 2022.
Designregio Kortrijk provides for the selected Designers in Residence Kortrijk:
- accommodation
- monthly fee (400 €/month)
- usage of Budalab Open Makerspace
- experts in several domains and support of Designregio Kortrijk
- one-time travel expenses

This year's theme is: The future of Urban NatureUrban and Nature are often depicted as a dichotomy as if they are two opposites, one excluding the other. Throughout Western history Nature became a cultural construct balancing between the extremes of the Garden of Eden and the dark grim woods, but always opposed to the Urban. In an era of global urbanization this perspective on Urban and Nature inevitably needs a redefinition. If Urban and Nature only occur as counterparts, a global urbanization can only lead to a disappearance of Nature. This observation was made by different authors in practice and academia and resulted into the concept of co-existence of Urban and Nature. It is in this regard we put on the table the question for the future of Urban Nature in the Designers in Residence edition 2021.
A mid-sized city such as Kortrijk has a high percentage of open spaces in its city center. Previous projects such as the Secret Gardens (2009) already pinpointed the potential of this open space to become a valuable asset for the city. One can imagine a city not build on density but with a vast presence of Nature resulting in a green network through the city center.
However it is clear that the relation to Nature in the city was always either a productive one (the bleaching meadows or community gardens) or leisure related (the parcs). At present we witness a number of events and projects that question this relation and therefore redefine the dialogue Urban Nature in terms of climate adaptation, biodiversity, social inclusion and community building, or a pure esthetical (even bucolic) representation of Nature.
Given the presence and potential of the open spaces in the city we ask to the Designers in Residence 2021 to deepen our understanding of the relation Urban Nature in the City of Kortrijk. Can this be interpreted as a co-existence? Can it be made operational to tackle the major challenges cities are facing? What interventions and projects can result out of this interpretation? Or is Nature in the end a man-made construct that needs to be rethought?

Designregio Kortrijk will be your host. We organize projects, inspire with good practices and connect companies, designers, education and government.
Designers in Residence Kortrijk is an initiative of Designregio Kortrijk, platform for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for the region Kortrijk in Belgium. A region part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) that breaths design thinking, visible through its design education, creative making industry, international events and inspiring public space.
We are a joint venture of 5 regional organisations, with whom you will work closely together. This will allow you as a designer to connect with the local community (city of Kortrijk), local producers and maker industry (Voka West-Flanders & Interieur Foundation), urban planners and developers (Leiedal) and innovative education (Howest).
At the same time, the Buda Island is the focal point for a fascinating community of creative individuals, companies, cultural organizations, creative teaching as well as end-users. The aim is to connect with the local maker industry, largely embedded in the region and local producers in a contemporary way.
- The Budafabriek, Budalab Open Makerspace & Broelkaai 6 -DURF 2030 are the inspirational locations in Kortrijk (Belgium) where you will create, work and live.
- The Kortrijk region (Belgium) is a strong player in the economically blooming largest European inter-regional Eurometropolis.
- University College HOWEST & their Industrial Design Center is an open knowledge center and a communication platform between the industry and the education, research and development programs of the Howest and Ghent University in Kortrijk. Digital Arts & Entertainment is, amongst others, one of their state of the art education programs. There is also Digital Design & Development, part of The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory, focusing on the intersection of design, development and research.
- The compactness of this region is both a benefit and a challenge.
Designers in Residence Kortrijk is organized since 2014. Every year a book is made with their realisations. View all realized books HERE. In addition to a book, the creative creations are always put in the spotlight with a video report. Watch the videos of previous years HERE.
The 2020 trajectory can be found on the site island.design.

The profile of the designers must correspond to the following criteria:
- recently graduated (minimum level: master or equal by experience)
- team player
- manual skills (conceptual, handy, production, fabrication)
- an international outlook
Check our general terms and conditions
Are you one of the designers we are looking for? Do you see the unique added value in participating in this residency?
Apply HERE before Friday 3 September 2021
!!! Completed applications must be submitted to Designregio Kortrijk before Friday 3 September 2021, 9:00 CET. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted.