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Milan Design Week

The most famous furniture fair in the world, Salone del Mobile in Milan, is back on! From 4 to 10 September, a lot of well-known brands and young designers will travel to Milan again to present their products to the world.

Once again, many Belgians will be represented!


Belgium is Design presents the best of Belgian design in two surprising projects: the film The Object Becomes and the exhibition The New Belgians. Both can be discovered in Milan between 4 and 10 September.

The Object Becomes

The object becomes', a production of BELGIUM IS DESIGN, tells the story of Belgian design at a historical turning point in the role of designers in our industry and our society.

With the selection of nine high-profile Belgian projects, they now dare to question traditional product design and, with the documentary, create an image of the new roles, possibilities and (social) responsibilities of product designers. Partly 'thanks' to the covid crisis, this selection did not translate into a traditional physical exhibition, but into a visual film "The object becomes." with previews in Milan's Anteo cinema.

Howest also features in the documentary: the D4E1 lab investigates in a very practical way how citizens and care professionals can play an active role in designing a care solution. The 'open design' principles play an important role in this, in order to achieve a more inclusive welfare.

Designer Sep Verboom of Livable Platform, Designer of the Year 2020, is also one of the 9 selected designers in this film. He is currently working with Designregio Kortrijk and IVC Commercial on the project Hack The Material.

Exhibition The New Belgians

Belgium is Design also shows the work of 6 selected designers in Milan.

Elias van Orshaegen, was selected for our 2019 exhibition WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION in Depart Kortrijk.
Daan De Wit Design Studio, was selected in 2018 for our exhibition WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION in Texture Kortrijk.
Fractall (Arne Desmet). Fractall is the brand and studio of Kortrijk-based designer Arne Desmet.
De Angelis Design
Olivier Vitry - Claisse Architectures
Studio Part.
Elias van Orshaegen coll Cartes desk tableDaan De Wit Stratum Saxum 1
Fractall Arne Desmet Slow drops lamp

The Lost Graduation Show

The TLGS exhibition stand is a selection of 170 designs by recent graduates from 48 schools from 22 different countries. This selection goes beyond the piece of furniture. What is the social responsibility of a designer around challenges such as mobility, inclusiveness, climate change, material scarcity, ...?

From Howest, the 'Compact-C' project was selected. This is an extremely compact, foldable elbow stool that fits in your backpack. It aims to increase the user's comfort, autonomy and mobility. The design is circular and the product is offered as a service. Logical, right? Most crutch users only need them temporarily and it would be a shame for these products to slip away for a second life in the attic of the former crutch user.

Compact cCompact c 2

Stacker in the Isola Design District

Amber Dewaele graduated as a product designer from Howest in June 2020. With her graduation project Stacker, she was on show last year at our exhibition WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION in Broelkaai 6 Kortrijk. Stacker will be on display during Milan Design Week as part of the Playful, Young, Design expo in the furniture fair's bustling Isola Design District.

Amber is also currently participating in the project Hack The Material by IVC Commercial and Designregio Kortrijk.

Amber dewaele


Also Sparks, the elegant mobile wood-burning ovens by Kortrijk singers Adrien Billiet and Sebastian Laga are in Milan this year. Only started in the middle of a corona crisis, May 2020, but already a keeper. In April you could discover them in our KIOSK on the Graanmarkt in Kortrijk.

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Besides these young designers, you will also find many renowned Belgian companies at the fair, such as Extremis and Deltalight.

More info? ContactLisa Declercq