Metaverse Howest

Innovative Businessmodellen in the Metaverse

With Designregio we were responsible for the communicative production part around the business case “Innovative business models in the metaverse”. In this we acted as matchmaker and set to work to make the translation to what the metaverse actually is, as manageable. With a focus on SMEs.

Starting at the beginning:

Metaverse and Web3 for Flemish SMEs: value-driven innovation

The research project answers the question of what technological and business model innovations are possible with the Metaverse continuum. What is viable today? How can it be rolled out more broadly? The project focuses not on the technology itself, but on the value these innovations can bring. SMEs are challenged to think from their goals: “What value do we want to create and how can the Metaverse help us do that?” rather than simply asking if they should implement this technology.

New opportunities and challenges for retail

The growth of online shopping is putting pressure on the retail sector.

Physical stores are forced to reorganize, for example as pick-up points, or close their doors.

At the same time, the Metaverse offers new opportunities, such as virtual stores and interactive technologies (for example, a virtual mirror for people with disabilities), which can be more than just a gimmick. Such innovations not only help reach new target groups, but can also contribute to better accessibility and service within retail and fashion.

This makes technology extra relevant to the Flemish context, where the physical retail landscape is dense and international competition increases pressure.

From insights to action: concrete steps for SMEs

The goal of the project is to support Flemish SMEs in the transition to digital innovation. Together with their partners, Howest works on concrete use cases and proof-of-concepts, developing roadmaps that help SMEs take steps into the Metaverse.

Through collaborations with Flemish IT and technology companies, they ensure that smaller companies also have access to these new possibilities. The project inspires companies with practical applications of Web3 and extended reality, and shows how these technologies can create tangible added value.

More info? ContactStan Dewaele