What does the creative sector need to grow?
Within the ‘Creatives for the City’ project (CCSI4CCSI, Interreg Europe), we recently investigated the greatest needs and opportunities for the cultural and creative sectors.
The survey of creatives revealed three main pain points:
- lack of funding,
- limited collaboration
- and a shortage of creative workspaces.
At the same time, we see opportunities in creative hubs, international networking and sustainability as growth engines.
During the focus group at the Design Drinks & Talks on 20 February - with 70 professionals from the creative sector - these insights were confirmed. Participants especially emphasised the importance of daring to do business and working together. Creative ideas only really take shape when you step to partners, such as companies that can support you. Lowering barriers to cooperation and funding are therefore essential for the sector's growth.
With CCSI4CCSI, we are committed to supporting creatives and strengthening connections.
To this end, CCSI4CCSI brings together eight European partners, including Designregio Kortrijk and Stad Kortrijk, to strengthen the sector and increase the impact of creativity on the wider economy.