OPEN CALL Designers in Residence Kortrijk 2022
Designregio Kortrijk is looking for 3 highly motivated and recently graduated designer-makers or creative artists to join in a regional residency program in Kortrijk, Belgium.
The Designers in Residence Kortrijk program is a 3-month full time residency from September to December 2022.

Designregio Kortrijk provides for the selected Designers in Residence Kortrijk:
- accommodation
- monthly fee (400 €/month)
- usage of Budalab Open Makerspace
- experts in several domains and support of Designregio Kortrijk
- one-time travel expenses
Theme: The Future of the Daily
This year’s Designers in Residence programme will focus on the daily. How to distinguish the extraordinary from the daily? How can these spaces and objects be identified? What determines them? What role do they play in people’s lives? How do they connect and strengthen interpersonal relations? How do they relate to our online alter ego? What (spatial) features do they have? And above all, what future do they have?
Designers in Residence Kortrijk is an initiative of Designregio Kortrijk, platform for creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship for the region Kortrijk in Belgium. A region part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) that breaths design thinking, visible through its design education, creative making industry, international events and inspiring public space.
Selection criteria
The profile of the designers must correspond to the following criteria:
- recently graduated (minimum level: master or equal by experience)
- team player
- manual skills (conceptual, handy, production, fabrication)
- an international outlook