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Memento 2021 in the KIOSK

In March - April 2021, the Memento Wordfestival will return to Kortrijk in the form of an online author programme and a word route through the city, also along the KIOSK.

Mirror this poem is an installation by Digital Design & Development students (Devine Howest) Yorben Goor, Casey Dulst and Ilyes Hammoumi. Anyone stepping past the KIOSK will soon see an invitation to solve some puzzles with the help of physical movement technology. Each puzzle unlocks a verse of a poem, both visually and aurally. The poem is by Louis Vanoo, it was commissioned by the Memento Word Festival and published in the festival book. Do you cheekily wave at the words or would you rather softly sing along? In this installation, not only does literature influence the reader, but also vice versa.

Curator en 'Letterzetter van Kortrijk' Anneleen Van Offel functions as ambassador of the festival, together with Dalilla Hermans, Joost Vandecasteele, Lize Spit and Stefan Hertmans. With the festival theme of 'getting lost', Anneleen reflects on how she profiles herself as city poet. "Getting lost is necessary to create exciting and innovative literature. It is off the beaten track that literature develops."

More info? ContactLisa Declercq