Ton Sur Ton

The first DESIGN IN SHOPS project is finished!

Hairdresser TON SUR TON festively opens its doors, the result of a fine collaboration.

To give colour to Kortrijk as a city of innovation and design, 'DESIGN IN SHOPS' was launched. A project in which, together with Lille, Mons and Tournai, merchants are encouraged to renovate or rearrange their shop, better equip the shop window, improve visibility or carry out other creative interventions together with a designer. Each participating retailer will receive a grant as financial support from the city of Kortrijk and Interreg. This project is a concrete result of the fact that the city of Kortrijk is a member of the Unesco Creative Cities Network thanks to our close ties with the cities of Detroit and Montréal.

Forty Kortrijk traders or hospitality businesses will be supported financially and encouraged to call on the services of a designer. After a selection by a jury, the shopkeeper is introduced to three international designers. Twenty businesses have already been linked to a designer and are carrying out the necessary work.

On Sunday 8 March, the first fully realised Ton Sur Ton shop was festively opened. Hairdresser and Cancer Hair Professional Nico Desmet collaborated with a designer duo, the interior design and decoration were done by Simon De Backere and the graphic work was done by Plusgrand in Doornik. The result? A stylish Art Deco-inspired interior.

Within the framework of Interreg project DESIGN IN & in collaboration with Stad Kortrijk

Bert demasure vroman decoratie tst web09 660x0 is hidpi 1
TON SUR TON opening
More info? ContactSébastien Hylebos