A playful future for event flags
Every promotion, every event, every occasion involves a visual campaign. What could be better than making it shine on a flag or banner?
But visual city marketing also leaves its mark. The flags and banners embody the temporary identity of the event. After the event, a trail of waste is left behind. Is this waste useless?
This year, CICO Hub focused on finding waste streams within the city to work with and design a circular destination for; the Heras cloths and event flags left behind after events in the city of Kortrijk.
A few designers were invited to transform this material and give it a new thoughtful life. Giel Dedeurwaerder, Saartje Allosserie, Pjotr Vandierendonck, Arend Vandenberghe and Yani Vandenbranden started a quest to transform waste into something useful, something beautiful, something that deserves a second life in our city.

To develop a desirable product, the collective came up with the Pretmobile. This is a sparkling initiative in Kortrijk dedicated to inclusive, accessible and free animation for children in public places in the city. The Pretmobile roams the streets offering free play with the support of enthusiastic volunteer animators.
The design consists of a context-free mosaic and some free intuitive connections. The surfaces invite children to be anything they want: a city, a construction, life-size game board and so much more. The abstract design encourages children to interpret them in a thousand different ways. A child can create, build, stack and hang. Break out of the grid, build on to a tree, hang from the lamppost, ...
This design cherishes the ideal of inclusive play and harnesses the unlimited creativity of children from any culture. It is constructive toy without any restrictions, the play space is endless.