Workshop Co-creating Circular Values

We are facing a future full of challenges. Sustainability is the guiding principle for tackling these challenges.

One method to a better future is the switch from a linear to a circular economy.

In collaboration with

DRK x Ugent Circular economy campagnebeeld
Efro eu

In the workshop co-designing circular values, we search together with companies for quick-wins and fundamental solutions by means of the design thinking process.

Together we have to rethink solutions in the mindset of companies, the technical aspects and the business model behind it.

1 DX 3019
Within the circular story, you usually think of the classic residual flows. But the workshop took us deeper into the cycle of our product.

Lode Espriet, Cras

Lode Espriet

What can you expect in concrete terms?

1. You will gain insight into the general working of circular economy;

2. What are the triggers for taking those first steps;

3. You get to know interesting partners;

4. And you work on your own case, for which we define different strategies and prioritise next steps.


For whom?

For anyone enthusiastic about working around circularity in a business context, from innovation managers to CEOs, from sustainability managers to R&D professionals


3,5 hours

Number of participants?

To allow for sufficient in-depth discussions, preferably 3 to 4 people participate in this workshop


€1500, excluding VAT

The workshop is for one company.

We have already tackled many issues with our own knowledge and experience, but some require more external expertise and assistance.

Bruno D’hont, Verimpex

1 DX 2960
Contact Stan!