Designers in Residence Kortrijk 2021
Designregio Kortrijk proudly presents the Designers in Residence Kortrijk 2021.
Since 2014, Designregio Kortrijk invites recently graduated designers from various creative disciplines for the Designers in Residence Kortrijk programme.
The Designers in Residence 2021 are asked to redefine the relationship and meaning of City/Nature, based on an engagement with and interpretation of the city of Kortrijk and its wider region.
Can we shape this relationship as a co-existence? Can it contribute to dealing with a number of urban crises and challenges? Which interventions and projects result from this interpretation?
The three selected designers are:
Laurie Flint (Hastings, United Kingdom, °1992)
Eliette Rampon (Saint-Etienne, France, °1997)
Stanisław MacLeod (Krościenko nad Dunajcem, Poland, °1998)

Laurie Flint is a designer who is influenced and inspired by environmental and societal issues. He believes that design is a social act. He loves drawing, making, and prototyping. Laurie won numerous awards whilst studying architecture at The Bartlett School of Architecture and the University of Nottingham. Most recently he has been an integral part of the team delivering the New Museum of London with Asif Khan and he is currently trying to instigate community housing in his hometown.
ELIETTE RAMPONEliette Rampon is a freshly graduated at the Fine Art and Design school of Saint-Etienne, France. As a designer she works on the relation between landscape, nature and human activities. Trough sport, meditative approach and slowness she tries to find new ways to interact with our environment.
She spends most of her time outdoors, drawing, walking, taking photographs, or climbing.
Stanisław MacLeod( Staś) is an interdisciplinary designer based between Poland and the UK, having recently completed a masters' degree at Glasgow School of Art. He alternates between research, strategy, socially engaged and critical practices as well as material investigation. His work has a lot to do with ecology, nonhuman perspectives and multispecies cohabitation, as well as exploring how ethics of care might be applied to design. He is a strong advocate for experimental practices and learning through making.

Discover “The Future of Urban Nature” installation at WONDER - Kortrijk Creativity Festival.
Wonder and optimism will be the focus of an inspiring month-long circuit on the former Van Marcke site in Kortrijk.