To save or not to save

Workshop: "To save or not to save" - DESIGNER CLUB #9

Workshop "TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE? A practical guide to the designer's archive".

As a designer, you are constantly looking for ways to generate innovative ideas or improve the quality of your designs. But the design process does not only result in a finished project. The process as a whole generates various types of output such as sketches, drawings, mock-ups, prototypes and also less artistic material: communication with clients and manufacturers, product specifications, contracts, etc.

Probably you want to keep all these things. (Or maybe not?) Maybe you keep the material just to keep it, or maybe you have very explicit reasons for keeping an archive of your design process. You can keep an archive as inspiration for new projects, or to use it in references, publications or exhibitions about your work. An archive is also very useful to prove your intellectual property on a design.

A professional archive clearly has many advantages, but it also brings challenges: Will you still find all the documents you need in the archive? Maybe you have run out of space? Do you have a clear idea of what to keep and what not to keep? Is your material stored in such a way that it will survive the ravages of time? And have you thought about archiving in the digital age and the danger of digital obsession?

In this workshop of the Flemish Architecture Institute, you will learn some practical approaches to organising an analogue and digital archive for your design practice. We will show you how to pack and store your material safely, methods to make your archive searchable and the basic concepts to help you control the growth of your archive.

Practical: Online Webinar

Date: 5/5/2020

Hour: 3:45 pm - 5 pm

Language: English

More info? ContactLise Van Tendeloo