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Workshop co-creating circular values based on data

A large amount of materials are processed into new products in our region, but what about leftover material from these? What is waste material for one company can be a raw material for another. What if we now set up a new service that not only ensures that these leftover materials can be exchanged, but that knowledge building can also take place in combination with developing creative talent?

We face a future full of challenges. Sustainability is the guiding principle to address these challenges. One methodology towards a better future is the switch from a linear to a circular economy. Data plays an important role in taking that step.

With the partners of the COM3 - Imagineering of Data - project, we offer the workshop co-designing circular values to 8 companies for free. During this workshop, we will search together with the participants for quick-wins and fundamental solutions using the design thinking process and available data on residual flows and production processes. Together, we will rethink solutions in terms of mindset, technical aspects and business model. With this, we want to get you on the road to a more circular operation.

Workshop 1:

A brief introduction to the circular economy and what its benefits are for your business
Mapping of residual flows within the production process and available data
Expert session

A time will be scheduled between the two workshops for personal follow-up and guidance.

Workshop 2:

Using various design strategies and tools, we start working with the collected data around the residual streams from the production process. The aim is to generate circular quick wins and fundamental solutions that can move your organisation forward towards a circular model.

Both during and between the workshops, guidance is provided by data and design experts. The workshops are supervised by UGent Campus Kortrijk and will take place at the Industrial Design Center (Kortrijk).

More info? ContactSébastien Hylebos