What if walls were flexible
Having a space to work (together) and hold meetings is crucial for employees' well-being, health and productivity. But difficult building knots and the various interveners in projects often cause a lot of problems and frustrations. It takes a lot of time, energy and money to (re)install walls. With Space-R, those problems are a thing of the past. The plug-and-play wall profiles are easy to place and move, without damaging the ceiling or floor. And without compromising on design, because you can mix and match different materials. Space-R is also a top solution in terms of acoustics.
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Company: AVC Gemino
AVC GEMINO BVBA innovates and inspires with solutions for design walls and partitions, while integrating this into an interior or office concept. All our products are our own developments, based on own aluminum profile designs with glass.
AVC is located in Kortrijk, in the innovative businesspark Evolis. Here, the production and service points are situated, together with our inspiration centre. Internationally we operate with branches and distribution points in Padova, Parijs, Genève, Stockholm, Poznan, New York, Johannesburg, Tel Aviv and Beirut.
In 2015, AVC acquired the Italian company Gemino, which had been specialising in office partitions since 2005, on an international scale. Before this, AVC and Gemino had joined in a partnership of almost 10 years for the co-design of office partition solutions, among which the grid concept, and the inspiration base fort his project. Since 2016, AVC’s official name is AVC Gemino.

Senior Designer: Roel Vandebeek
In 1994 studeerde Roel Vandebeek af aan LUCA School of Arts in Genk. Roel is een allround ontwerper die actief is op verschillende terreinen binnen de vormgeving. Hij richtte zijn eigen bureau op eind ’96 en werkt sindsdien voor diverse nationale en internationale bedrijven in zeer uiteenlopende sectoren. Zijn ontwerpen zijn doordacht, bevreemdend en toch vertrouwd. Het zijn originele, verrassende producten met een vleugje humor.
Projectmatig werkt hij ook samen met architecten wat betreft interieurprojecten en openbare ruimten.
Momenteel loopt de eerste expo in het subliem gerenoveerde Thor Central (tot eind november). Het biedt een introductie in de wereld van Roel Vandebeek. Met zijn nieuwe concept "Objet Portrait" capteert hij de identiteit van 9 bekende Inspiratoren in unieke objecten, installaties en gebruiksvoorwerpen. Met deze "portretten" combineert Roel zijn luisterbereidheid en eigenzinnigheid. En hij blikt terug op 20 jaar als professioneel vormgever.
Junior Designer: Studio Ponton
Brecht Lamote studied product development at Universiteit Antwerpen. After gaining experience in various projects during several years, he founded Studio Ponton in 2018. As a freelance designer, his main focus lies on the combination of technical innovation, simplicity, sustainable choice of materials and a highly efficient production process. Collaboration on this project offers him a unique shot and opportunity at designing different aspects of the production process, and developing a brand new product.

This product was developed within the 5X5® innovation process. With 5X5® Voka West-Flanders and Designregion Kortrijk offer companies the opportunity to develop their idea into a new product or service under supervision and in cooperation with a designer or design team.