Personal safety band
The 5X5 cooperation resulted in the commercializing of an elastic band, containing one or several conductive lines. The technology was implemented in multicolour LEDs. The elastic light band, in which every LED can be controlled individually, was processed into a customizable safety band.
In the future, other applications based on this technology will be developed, such as wayfinding and crowd management systems.
Company: Elasta Ind
Elasta Ind has a long standing experience in weaving, braiding and knitting narrow band, ribbon and cord, both elastic and non-elastic. The most important markets are the textiles and furniture industry, with e.g., clothing industry, sportswear, the automotive and paramedical sector. In close consultation with the customer, Elasta Ind continuously develops new products with a broad range of applications, facilitated by the company’s flexible and state-of-the-art production methods and technique

Senior designer: Mike Matheeussen
Mike Matheeussen is owner at TEN (The Engineering Network), an engineering company founded in 2009 that offers innovative solutions in the field of global engineering. TEN meets challenges in every aspect of the engineering process with unique and customized solutions. TEN specializes in mechanical engineering, product development, visualisation, scanning and project management; a broad combination of expertise that makes up for the uniqueness of TEN.
Junior designers: Jan Thierens
Jan Thierens studied product development in Antwerp and is a creator pur sang: always busy and on the lookout for creative challenges. He currently works at TEN, where he can put his creative, technical and IT skills into practice.
Junior designers: Olmo Brood
Olmo Brood studied industrial product development at Howest. After a first work experience at Thule (Menen), he joined the team of TEN at the end of 2015. His designs are defined by purity and a clear-cut vision, always intended at making everyday life easier.

This product was developed within the 5X5® innovation process. With 5X5® Voka West-Flanders and Designregion Kortrijk offer companies the opportunity to develop their idea into a new product or service under supervision and in cooperation with a designer or design team.