
OPEN CALL: designers for circular co-creation project

We are looking for designers who can work with residual streams from the companies Fluvius, Moerman and Sunconfex to convert them into new products that can be produced in bespoke plants.

Within the circular co-creation project "valorising waste streams" of the CICO Hub, Howest students are currently analysing waste streams of 3 companies; Fluvius, Moerman and Sunconfex, for circular applications. We are looking for designers who can use this input to convert these waste streams into new products that can be produced in custom-made companies.

Dinsdag 14 december van 14u00 tot 15u30, Industrial Design Center Howest.
Marksesteenweg 58, Kortrijk


  • Introductie CICO Hub en het co-creatietraject “Valoriseren van reststromen”
  • Korte voorstelling door de 3 bedrijven; Fluvius, Moerman, Sunconfex
  • Q&A
  • Netwerkmoment en presentatie reststroom experimenten

Het event zal coronaproof verlopen, mondmasker is verplicht binnen het gebouw (meer info hier).