The mobile home market is constantly changing and evolving. To keep adapting to the growing need for comfort, safety and flexibility, within the 5X5® project an overall concept was developed for the upgrading of the current mobile home. New materials and technologies were combined in a creative way.
Company: Maesss
MAESSS was well known for both its standard and customized motorhomes. MAESSS also developed mobile offices and interiors for e.g. sports buses. In 2007 MAESSS introduced the ACCESSS model specifically designed for people with disabilities.

Senior Designer: Maxime Szyf
After graduating as a product developer in Antwerp, Maxime Szyf (BE, °1964) moved on to work with renowned companies such as Samsonite and Verhaert Design & Development. In 1998 he started MAXIMAL product vision, with Samsonite as launching customer. In 2004 MAXIMAL design was set up together with Gert Verschueren, a design agency for product, brand and spatial design. Among their customers are leading (inter)national companies from a wide variety of markets and industries, such as Nike, Deloitte, Brussels Airlines and Nomad.

This product was developed within the 5X5® innovation process. With 5X5® Voka West-Flanders and Designregion Kortrijk offer companies the opportunity to develop their idea into a new product or service under supervision and in cooperation with a designer or design team.