ACS18 LR 76

Meet, greet & match: design thinking for businesses

Link with design thinking experten!

Looking for a design expert? Do you need help with the realisation of a new service or product? Would you like to exchange thoughts with creative people in an informal setting? Do you have a complicated problem you want to solve? Or do you just want to make something amazing?

Actively applying design and design thinking in your business provides an enormous boost to your business. It does not have to be a far-off show. To demonstrate this, Voka West-Flanders and Designregio Kortrijk are organising an information and networking event together. You get the chance to get to know and talk to design experts from all over Flanders on a one-to-one basis.

The individual discussions are preceded by a short introduction session on design and design thinking by expert Valentijn Destoop.

Valentijn Destoop is a design thinker, innovation strategist and mentor to many successful European tech start-ups. In his introduction, he explains that design thinking is a creative way of solving problems. Also for non-designers it is a method to think like a designer and to translate the trends, the needs and the wishes of customers into a (new) business.

The advantages of this unique networking event?

  • Actively make face-to-face contacts, saving resources and time.
  • Design experts who will further develop your expertise.
  • Participation is completely free

You can register for this event via This link. For more information, please contact Marijke Bouciqué

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More info? ContactLise Van Tendeloo