Steamhive inspiratieweek

Inspirationweek STE(A)MHIVE – 26 - 29 april 2021

During the online STE(A)Mhive inspiration week you will discover what STE(A)M can mean for your youth organisation, youth work, extracurricular activities for young people.


Numerous fascinating speakers pass the revue and present inspiring examples of creative, adventurous and artistic projects from a STE(A)M context. In addition, you will also get to work during our designathon, where we will give you a taste of a design and research-based process in which you will go through a full design cycle yourself. The entire programme is offered free of charge, subject to prior registration.

For who?

For all organisations organising extracurricular activities for young people such as youth movement and work, youth clubs, youth camp organisations, boarding schools, music, dance, theatre, art academies, STEM academies, etc.


4 consecutive evenings with webinars on 26/04, 27/04, 28/04 from 20h to 21h and a designathon on 29/04 from 18h to 21h30.

How participate?

Both the webinars and the designathon require advance registration. You can register for one evening, several evenings or the full programme. For each evening programme you need to register separately. Register via this link.

Deadline registrations:

- (webinars) 26-27-28/04: on the day before 12 noon
- (designathon) 29/04: Sunday 11 April
TIP: It is highly recommended to follow the full programme, although it is not a prerequisite to participate in the designathon.

ATTENTION: A goodie box will be sent to your home before the Designathon. In order to get this to you in time, we ask you to register before Sunday 11 April!


monday 26 april | FOCUS 'information'

STEAM | Buzzwoord 'STEAM' shortly explained and illustrated with a practical example from the workshopseries 'Building of a city'

During the Scienceacademy 2019, children from the 5th and 6th grade worked on five Wednesday afternoons to build a city. Each week, a particular technique, computational skill or technology was addressed. The young people worked independently towards one common goal: to equip the city with houses, electricity grid, road and water network.

(spaeker: Bieke Steeman, teacher in Educatieve Bachelor Elementary Education Howest)

FabLab | Introduction in the amazing world of FabLab

Have you heard (a lot) about 'FabLabs', 'digital fabrication techniques', 'laser cutting'... but can't imagine much about it? We are happy to take you along for an introduction to the FabLab world with a tour and explanation in real existing FabLabs!

(speakers: Katrien De Schepper, project agent of Mind-and Makerspace Brugge and Industrial Design Center Kortrijk; Stan Dewaele project manager BudaLab)

Tuesday 27 april | FOCUS 'FACILITATION'

ARhus | Young people at the helm: they hack their own city.

Do you dare to give your members ownership over the functioning of your organisation? How ARhus allows young people to set up initiatives with the Hacks. An activity for and by young people, with a lot of attention for authentic challenges that are open-ended!
(speaker: Jasper Dejonckheere, coordinator youth work ARhus)

D4E1| High School students at the helm: they hack products for and with citizens with disabilities.

'Design for (every)one' (D4E1) initiates yearly collaborations between citizens and bachelor students of the programme industrial productdesign en Ergotherapy at Howest. The students will work together with citizens with disabilities, volunteer makers and local fablabs to invent, design and manufacture a tool.

(sprekers: Katrien De Schepper, projectmedewerker D4E1)

Wednesday 28 April | FOCUS 'INSPIRATION

Sparks | How a 'simple' wood oven at camp sparked a fiery entrepreneurship.

STEAM is miles away from a youth operation? Not at all, as Adrien Billiet and Sebastien Laga prove who were encouraged from an early age to create some form of 'luxury' at their Scouts camps. Discover their story about the design of a wood oven.

(speaker: Adrien Billiet, co-founder Vonken)

Avanco | Getting started with STEAM without fear of heights
Can you have STEAM integration in extracurricular activities? Industrial Designer Thomas Gruwez, who was once a monitor himself at the Avanco adventure centre, proves that you can. In 2017 he designed for them the Harry Potter high ropes course with rotating poles and obstacles. Due to its 'modular' character, there are up to 256 possibilities to do the course, each with a specific degree of difficulty. A nice example of STEAM incorporated in an outdoor activity for young and old!
(speaker: Thomas Gruwez, managerGewoon Onderweg)

Thursday 29 April | FOCUS 'DOING'

On Thursday, we go a step further, giving you a taste of a design and research-based process during the 'designathon'! You get to work from your desk, living room, kitchen or team room. In smaller groups, you will tackle a real practical challenge. We will focus on maximum digital interaction and action from your workplace.

This experience will inspire and trigger a new, refreshing approach to challenges within your organisation or project!

Conditions to participate:
  • Beforehand, you will receive a goodie box with materials that you can use before and during the designathon.
    • Registering on time is a must to receive it (deadline registration Sunday 11 April)
    • If you register, we count on active participation for the full duration of the activity (6pm to 9.30pm)
    • Participation is free. However, if you are absent without a valid reason, a fee of €50 will be charged.
  • Participation with cuddly contact or colleague (i.e. with several people at one location) is allowed provided that the applicable Covid measures are respected.
More info? ContactStan Dewaele