Innovation Academy

Increase the success rate of your innovation project!

Are you actively working on projects in which innovation plays an important role? Then you don't want big ideas that just suddenly appear, but business ideas that can be constantly generated. Moreover, you want to embed this process and the resulting innovation sustainably within the organisation. Only then can you speak of a successful innovation project. Do you want to increase that chance of success? Then you need a well thought-out strategy for innovation management. Discover the unique Innovation Academy of Voka West-Vlaanderen, where over a short period of time (4 months) they show you hands-on how to properly manage innovation processes.

Discover the training

Voka West-Flanders brings together like-minded people who are working on innovation projects to work together over a short period of time in a very concrete and hands-on way on all the non-technological aspects of innovation (financing, internal communication, involving customers, etc.). Afterwards, the participant can immediately apply the training in reality, your innovation projects have more chance of success and you can let your company grow.

What does this programme offer you?

A network of like-minded people and inspiring guest speakers.

The knowledge and tools around all non-technological aspects of innovation.

Innovation projects that are closer to the end users.

The innovation projects you are involved in are more relevant to the market, which makes your company grow and increases your chances of success.

There are several factors that can stifle innovation, but I see the lack of a strategy that embraces the why, what, how and who as being among the most important. It is a much needed foundation on which can/should be built.

Stijn Ronsse

Combination of theory, exercises and testimonials

The programme consists of 8 training days during which you will be given all the pieces of the puzzle you need to use your innovation projects for the growth of your organisation. This is done through a nice mix of theory, exercises and testimonials. Several well-known names in the world of innovation provide valuable input and guidance as guest speakers.

The theory provides the framework and allows all participants to speak the same language.

The exercises provide on-the-job applications and make the training hands-on.

The testimonies teach that you can tackle obstacles by working together, sharing experiences and making use of your innovation network.

Training goals:

You have insight into the different ways to innovate (product, process, service and business model innovation) and you can make the link with the innovation projects in your organisation.

You have insight into the diversity and complexity of innovation management challenges.

You can develop an innovation strategy for your company.

You know the practical aspects and methodologies to develop, implement and evaluate innovation processes and can apply them to your company.

You identify the characteristics of successful innovators and innovation managers and create a framework to identify the innovation potential of a team or organisation.

You ka formulate KPI's for innovation.

You can present your own innovation case using a storytelling method, paying attention to the business case and the processes behind it.

Who is it for?

This programme is for all employees who are (or want to be) involved in innovation projects and who want to discover all aspects of managing innovation projects. It is important that you already have a first experience with innovation projects, so that sufficient experiences can be shared.

Min. 2 years of prior experience is required

A technical education is not required

More info? ContactLisa Declercq