Henry van de Velde Gold Award winnaars
For more than a quarter of a century, the Henry van de Velde Awards have emphasised the important social role played by designers and their clients. The Awards show that today design is woven into every fibre of daily life and they honour the work of creative entrepreneurs who use design to have a positive impact on our society and economy.
The Henry van de Velde Awards have many winners. In November, Flanders DC already announced the 17 winners selected by the jury from the 198 entries, which included regional companies Casalis, Verilin, Smappee and Pilipili. Discover our overview HERE.
The jury now selected 1 Gold Award winner per category together with the Lifetime Achievement, the Company, Young Talent and the Ecodesign by OVAM Award. The public also decided and could vote one of the 17 winners for the Public Award.
We are very pleased and proud that two regional companies are also among the winners. A nice confirmation of the talent from the Kortrijk UNESCO Design Region.
NOVY wins the Company Gold Award
"As a niche player among global competitors, we are condemned to keep innovating. Novy is uncompromising in this respect: we strive for quality, sustainable growth while respecting our values." - Carlos Wanzeele, CEO Novy
As the Belgian market leader in cooker hoods and hobs, Novy celebrated the centenary of its brand name in 2019. Novy's success story is largely due to the way in which innovation, quality, sustainability and design are strategically woven into the company. Despite international growth, production still takes place in Belgium and all other facets - from product development to after-sales service - are also kept in-house. The company did not stand still in corona time either. This year, Novy is bringing no less than five new products onto the market, including one concept that will be groundbreaking within new living.
Verilin wins the Habitat Gold Award for Caméléon with Les Monseigneurs
The modular interior textiles Caméléon that Les Monseigneurs developed in collaboration with Verilin received a Gold Award. Each carpet is modular and can be used as a rug, paravent or wall covering.
An extensive overview of all 12 Gold Award winners can be found at www.henryvandevelde.be.