Fluvius, Moerman and Sunconfex join a circular co-creation process
Within the framework of the CICO Hub project, 3 companies were selected to start the circular co-creation process on the valorisation of residual flows.
The Circular Co-creation Hub (CICO HUB), which was launched at the beginning of 2021, joins forces to bring businesses together and support them in the transition to circular enterprise. With the various partners within the hub, being Designregio Kortrijk, Voka West-Vlaanderen, Howest, Leiedal and WAAK, we want to work on awareness and knowledge sharing on circular economy on the one hand. We do this via the Circular Forum; a platform for production companies, custommade companies, waste processing companies, service providers, companies active in the sharing economy, knowledge centres, creative enterprises,... with the central theme: waste valorisation and circular economy.
On the other hand, with the hub, we are also going to work concretely with three production companies to identify and explore their waste streams in cooperation with students and design companies, in order to subsequently arrive at new products and a valorisation of their waste streams in co-creation with a customised company.
At the beginning of July, several companies presented their waste streams to a professional jury, which ultimately selected the 3 companies from the various submissions:
- Fluvius - as a multi-utility company covering the whole of Flanders, Fluvius has a wide range of waste streams at its disposal, ranging from meter covers to work clothes
- Moerman - both natural rubber and synthetic foam are residual flows that are released in the production process (Meulebeke)
- Sunconfex - Each year, in the production of the condensed sun protection fabric, a great deal of cutting residue is left unused (Ypres)
Recycling or reuse of various residual flows is already under way. Within the co-creation process, we try to upgrade the flows even further within the circular economy.
In the coming months, the Howest students will be working with the material in order to come up with new concepts in 2022, in collaboration with professional designers. These will then be on display at the WONDER festival in the autumn.
Jury members:
- Jolan Soens - Howest
- Marijke Boucique - Voka West-Flanders
- Rebekka Vanhamel - WAAK
- Katrijn Siebens - Flanders Circular
- Bart Neels - 4Werk
- Ellen Gevaert - ESG Group
- Sébastien Hylebos - Designregion Kortrijk