e-Wind Tracking Box
Safe and Real-time Tracking
The e-Wind Tracking Box helps to automatically and safely manage the movements of personnel in an offshore wind farm. Via a real-time overview, the captain and crew can follow and adjust all movements. Because communication with the central coordinator is more accurate, there is a significant increase in safety.
Besides the complete user-flow mapping, CIDES (Brugge) also took care of the complete redesign of the tracking-box. Bram Robeyn was called in to implement the user-friendly interface into a workable product.
Company: e-BO Enterprises
e-BO Enterprises consists of a team of passionate people with the goal of improving everyday life through disruptive products and services. They always develop the best solution to address IT problems and business challenges.Their products and solutions are specifically aimed at medium-sized companies and organisations that want to optimise their daily operations.

Senior designer: Dimitri Merlin
Dimitri Merlin graduated as an industrial designer at Artesis University College Antwerp. Since 1999 he is owner of CIDES Product Design, a multidisciplinary design studio, combining strategic design, concept design and engineering. Every design management project starts with a thorough analysis of the company, the product, the identity and the context. This makes it possible to set a clear goal and to develop a relevant design strategy. CIDES Product Design also works out innovative ideas together with the customer, in order to restyle existing or design new products. Their designs have been rewarded with the Red Dot and the Design Plus Award.

Junior Designer: Bram Robyn
Bram Robyn was brought in to implement the user-friendly interface into a workable product.
This product was developed within the 5X5® innovation process. With 5X5® Voka West-Flanders and Designregion Kortrijk offer companies the opportunity to develop their idea into a new product or service under supervision and in cooperation with a designer or design team.