Drop your old or broken jeans at the KIOSK!
Did you know that
the textile and fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries?
a lot of chemicals are used to produce a pair of jeans?
up to 20,000 litres of water are needed to produce one pair of jeans?
The denim industry thus produces a lot of waste and has a huge ecological footprint. European Spinning Group (ESG) wanted to find a way to reduce this textile waste through reuse and upcycling. ESG succeeded in spinning yarn from discarded denim, which is marketed under the name ESG Green Collection. As a firm believer in circular design, ESG started the #hackyourjeans community for a more sustainable textile and fashion industry.
To launch the initiative, this month in Kortrijk you can learn more about #hackyourjeans at two locations and deposit your own old or broken jeans for reuse.
At the KIOSK there is a collection container where you can deposit your jeans. The collected jeans are made into new yarn which is then used for new products such as new jeans, towels or napkins.
You can discover these products in the K shopping centre in Kortrijk. 15 partners (mainly from West Flanders) show their products made from recycled jeans:
ESG – Anna Sneaker
Bel-confect - D-Force Green workwear
Blue LOOP Originals - Worn to reborn jumpers
Butch Tailors - tailored suit jacket
Clarysse - Towel2 towel
Com.I.Stra - Re-jeanblue fabric weaving
Gevaert tape weaving - belts
HSNT - jeans collection
Linas AB - napkins, towels, tablecloths
Insignian Home - Rejeaneration bed linen
Maes Mattress Ticking - Deni-M mattress fabrics and bed coverings
Unaffordable - multiple choice chairs
Palais de l'eau - baby bath linen
Pieters Textiel - Everjean mattress fabrics and bed coverings
Tonickx - made at the request of ESG a few pieces in fabric from Italian weaver
#hackyourjeans is an initiative of the West-Flemish European Spinning Group (ESG).
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