Dag van de Wetenschap Kortrijk
On 26 November, you can discover, check out, try, create, study and above all have fun at various places in Kortrijk - including the BUDA::lab. Day of Science lets you look inside schools, museums and research institutes for free.
BUDA::lab 10u-16u
Howest The Penta, 10u - 16u
Texture, 13u - 17u
UGent Campus Kortrijk, 10u - 16u
VIVES, 14u 17u

All scientist
Science Day is for anyone interested in how the world works. Even Angelique Van Ombergen, science coordinator at the European Space Agency (ESA) and measurer of the Science Day, knows this: "Science is everywhere. It is there when we take the train, look at the stars, go to the doctor, ... It is there for and by people. Maybe soon it will be by you too? If you are curious, critical and inquisitive, you will feel completely at home in the world of science. And the best part? There is still so much to discover!"
Inspiring young generation
Although everyone is welcome on Science Day, the Flemish Government, as initiator, particularly wants to enthuse children and young people about STEM. That stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Frank Deboosere, former weatherman at VRT and sponsor of the Science Day: "Our quality of life has improved dramatically over the past centuries. Thanks to science and technology we gained wings and discovered new worlds. With mathematics, we unravelled many secrets of weather and climate. We now cure dangerous diseases and are even on the heels of cancer. Science and engineering are moving forward. The language of science is universal. Girls and boys will also make their STEM mark on society in the 21st century."