Creativity Summit
On Thursday 28 October 2021, Designregion Kortrijk organises the Creativity Summit, in the framework of the unique Kortrijk Creativity Festival WONDER.
With a solid line-up of entrepreneurs and designers testifying about their challenging collaboration and the impact on their business. We close the afternoon session with a keynote by creative agency Vizgu from design city Kolding (DK) and designer and digital expert Jürgen Tanghe.

10:30 Welcome
11:00 Opening Creativity Summit by Mayor Ruth Vanderberghe and Chairman Dominiek Callewier
Inspiring collaboration cases:
- Elise Bylo and Justine Huysman of IVC Commercial and Sep Verboom for Livable Platform testify about their collaboration HACK THE MATERIAL.
- Djurre Vanlede of Sedac-Mecobel and Pieter Lesage of design studio Studio Dott on product innovation.
- Francesca Ostuzzi of UGent campus Kortrijk and Bruno D'hont of Verimpex talk about how a company can take the step towards more circular entrepreneurship.
Keynote speaker Jürgen Tanghe about digitalisation, changing consumer preferences and how design can offer an answer to that.
Mensur Ibricic from Vizgu, an inspiring company from Kolding, fellow UNESCO City of Design about bringing great digital experiences ism Mikael Sorknaes UNESCO responsible for Kolding.
13:00 Networking lunch
14:00 End and possibility to visit WONDER - Kortrijk Creativity Festival.
Thursday 258 October from 11h to 14h (reception from 10h30).
Van Marcke site - entrance via Weggevoerdenlaan 5
This is a covid safe event!
This event is offered free of charge thanks to the support of: