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Soon at Z33: Cornershop of Daydreams, the exhibition

Z33 - House for Contemporary Art, Design & Architecture in Hasselt showcases in collaboration with Designregio Kortrijk from 2 April to 4 June, the work of the Designers in Residence program of 2022. Together the three designers present the Cornershop of Daydreams, a new iteration of the collaborative project around daydreaming they developed during their stay in Kortrijk.

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The Cornershop of Daydreams acts as an agency that sets the scene for moments of collective dreaming. It is a contextual vehicle for the designers to explore how daydreaming can disrupt the reproduction of rigidity in daily life, and increase fantastical and speculative agencies.

Artists: Ila Colley, Metincan Güzel, Yun-Chu Liang

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More info? ContactLise Van Tendeloo