BUMP 2019
Laat je creatief inspireren door internationale topsprekers op Bump Festival. Op vrijdag 21 juni daagt dit festival je uit met met talks rond design, motion graphics, creative programming en technological innovations. Bump wordt georganiseerd door Devine, Howest.
Net als vorig jaar organiseren we met Designregio Kortrijk WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION talks. We nodigen jonge, veelbelovende ontwerpers uit die recent afgestudeerd zijn aan gerespecteerde internationale design schools voor een talk over hun onderzoek en werk.
Manon Van Hoeckel (NL)
Design Experiment
Manon van Hoeckel (1990) is a Dutch designer and artist based in Rotterdam. Her work aims to provoke action, spark debate and expose assumptions at both micro and macro level. To this end, she conducts design experiments and creates artworks in various media. The disappearance of conversation in public spaces, in politics and between different groups in our society is a problem that she aims to tackle as a designer.
For one of her latest project at museum Boijmans van Beuningen she created a fully working launderette in the middle of the museum as a space to interact. Your dirty laundry was your free admission to the museum.
Post Neon (NL)
Virtual Reality
Post Neon is a creative multi-media studio exploring alternate and virtual realities. Their exploits are regularly inspired by cutting edge technology, contemporary culture and varying media. Their work has seen them operating across Europe including London, Amsterdam, Vienna and Berlin.
The studio is formed by Jim Brady and Vito Boeckx: both graduates from the department of Man and Communication at the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Jasna Dimitrovska (DE)
Interaction Design
Jasna Dimitrovska is Berlin-based macedonian designer and artist working with both tangible and intangible interaction. Her work as a designer focuses on technology and science ‘what if’-scenarios based on research reflecting her passion for Neo-futuristic designs and augmented reality applications. As an artist she build tangible models, prototypes and cultural probes investigating the meaning of human interaction with digital objects.
She has a diploma in Comparative Literature at the state university in Skopje and MA in Digital Media at University of Arts Bremen, has taught two courses of technology and design at the HFK Bremen, worked as interaction designer and creative producer in the field of creative technology and art and science. Her works and performances have been exhibited in Germany, Belgium, Scotland, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia and was a Designer in Residence at Designregio Kortrijk.
Daarnaast kan je andere lezingen meepikken over graphic design voor Wes Anderson’s films, illustreren samen met robots en Artificiële Intelligentie, inzichten in ontwerp voor Apple en meer. Bovendien word je nog eens extra verwend met een verrassende lunch en een spetterende afterparty. Klinkt dat als muziek in de oren? Ontdek dan alvast de sprekers op bump-festival.be.
Dit alles vindt plaats in de Kortrijkse Schouwburg op vrijdag 21 juni. Tickets zijn te verkrijgen via bump-festival.be en kosten slechts 45 euro. Ben je student? Dan kan je al voor 25 euro genieten van een dag vol creativiteit.

Manon Van Hoeckel (NL)
Design Experiment
Manon van Hoeckel (1990) is a Dutch designer and artist based in Rotterdam. Her work aims to provoke action, spark debate and expose assumptions at both micro and macro level. To this end, she conducts design experiments and creates artworks in various media. The disappearance of conversation in public spaces, in politics and between different groups in our society is a problem that she aims to tackle as a designer.
For one of her latest project at museum Boijmans van Beuningen she created a fully working launderette in the middle of the museum as a space to interact. Your dirty laundry was your free admission to the museum.
Post Neon (NL)
Virtual Reality
Post Neon is a creative multi-media studio exploring alternate and virtual realities. Their exploits are regularly inspired by cutting edge technology, contemporary culture and varying media. Their work has seen them operating across Europe including London, Amsterdam, Vienna and Berlin.
The studio is formed by Jim Brady and Vito Boeckx: both graduates from the department of Man and Communication at the Design Academy Eindhoven.
Jasna Dimitrovska (DE)
Interaction Design
Jasna Dimitrovska is Berlin-based macedonian designer and artist working with both tangible and intangible interaction. Her work as a designer focuses on technology and science ‘what if’-scenarios based on research reflecting her passion for Neo-futuristic designs and augmented reality applications. As an artist she build tangible models, prototypes and cultural probes investigating the meaning of human interaction with digital objects.
She has a diploma in Comparative Literature at the state university in Skopje and MA in Digital Media at University of Arts Bremen, has taught two courses of technology and design at the HFK Bremen, worked as interaction designer and creative producer in the field of creative technology and art and science. Her works and performances have been exhibited in Germany, Belgium, Scotland, Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia and was a Designer in Residence at Designregio Kortrijk.
Daarnaast kan je andere lezingen meepikken over graphic design voor Wes Anderson’s films, illustreren samen met robots en Artificiële Intelligentie, inzichten in ontwerp voor Apple en meer. Bovendien word je nog eens extra verwend met een verrassende lunch en een spetterende afterparty. Klinkt dat als muziek in de oren? Ontdek dan alvast de sprekers op bump-festival.be.
Dit alles vindt plaats in de Kortrijkse Schouwburg op vrijdag 21 juni. Tickets zijn te verkrijgen via bump-festival.be en kosten slechts 45 euro. Ben je student? Dan kan je al voor 25 euro genieten van een dag vol creativiteit.