WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION TALKS is a series of talks by promising young designers graduating from respected international design schools to talk about their research and work. We see these talks as a new way to bring knowledge of future experts to Flanders and the region.

The talks have already been organised several times at BUMP festival in Kortrijk. BUMP is a one-day creative conference organised by the Digital Design and Development Howest course with keynotes by illustrators, media artists, ux experts, animators, graphic designers, creative coders, etc.

In collaboration with

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Vlaanderen verbeelding werkt

BUMP 2023

At BUMP 2023, we invited the following speakers:

  • Cream on Chrome: Cream on Chrome is a socially engaged design studio founded by Jonas Althaus and Martina Huynh. Together, they develop interfaces to facilitate discourse on developments in economics, journalism, ecology, and emerging technologies.
  • Noa Jansma: Noa Jansma explores our connection to the more-than-human world through multimedia projects, delving into themes such as food, capitalism, ecology, and colonialism. From video installations to educational programs, she encourages vital dialogue.
  • Studio Comrades: Studio Comrades consists of the duo Nicol Colga and Edith Dingemans. Using a 2.5-dimensional method and approach, they work with 2D and 3D, tangible and intangible, coming together to create new and creative ways of storytelling that encourage immersion and conversation.
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BUMP 2022

Op BUMP 2022 nodigden we volgende sprekers uit:

  • Studio Moniker: Moniker is an autonomous design studio of Luna Maurer and Roel Wouters in Amsterdam. Moniker focuses on the relationship between humans and technology. Their work continues to question the effects of technology.
  • Arvid & Marie: From collaborations with pigs to supporting machine rights, they playfully test the limits of free will against increasingly pervasive technologies and hegemonic power structures.
  • Tom Sibma: He talks about the fun of shaping an idea and works as a freelance Creative Director and Film Director for advertising agencies, brands and independent artists.
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BUMP 2020 & 2021 were unfortunately cancelled due to the corona crisis.

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BUMP 2019

At BUMP 2019 we invited the following three promising designers:

  1. Designer in Residence Kortrijk 2018 Jasna Dimitrovska (Berlin). She talked about interaction design in her talk.
  2. Manon Van Hoeckel (Rotterdam) told us more about design experimentation.
  3. And Studio Post Neon (Amsterdam) talked about their research on virtual reality.

BUMP 2018

At BUMP 2018, we invited the following three promising designers:

  1. Alexandre Humbert was trained as a product designer (Design Academy Eindhoven) and gradually developed a fascination for, and expertise as filmmaker. He currently focusses on Filmmaking as a design practice. “As designers we are storytellers, we are not designing chairs but ways of sitting.”
  2. Frank Kolkman is an experimental designer whose latest projects include: an Out-of-body experience simulator, a Domestic drug screening kit, a DIY Surgical Robot and proposals for a Humane Caviar Extraction Super Yacht & a Synthetic Rhino Horn Growing Device.
  3. Japanese designer Tomo Kihara has developed a tool for “street debating”, which allows homeless people to earn money without compromising their dignity.
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The first edition of the WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION TALKS took place at the networking event BUDA LIBRE 06.07.2017, Howest - Industrial Design Center.

Our first Next Generation Designer, Bram Vanderbeke is a maker, and as a maker he tries to find an interaction between materials, people and their surroundings and provides in this way a renewed vision on the future. He is an observer, and create or direct spaces within the space. Spaces in many possible scales.