Bminus L Elements
Bminus keeps exploring new possibilities, both in terms of production and design. The 5X5® project focussed on design and materials as a way to create innovative products. The result is Bminus L Elements, an inventive, fresh concept to literally open up rooms, divide or reorganise them, or completely transform them. The concept endorses the basics of minimal architecture: clear-cut, warm, distinctive and functional.
Company: Bminus
The woodwork company Bminus was founded in 2000, specialising in ceiling high pivot doors and sliding doors. Bminus radically went against the grain of a standard height for door openings of max. 205 cm. Thanks to their excellent and unique production process Bminus can guarantee a stable and perfectly customized oversized door. Architects and contractors hence like to make use of their services. In the meantime the scope has widened to door handles, integrated aluminium plinths and dressings. In this way Bminus can offer a global concept for a clear-cut interior.

Senior Designer: Eric Dumortier
Eric Dumortier is CEO of GBO Innovation Makers in Belgium. In the field of product design he and his team focus on providing creative and efficient solutions to make everyday life better and more comfortable. Three quality criteria stand out: producibility, attractiveness and functionality (ʻPAFʼ). Eric Dumortier won several awards, including the Henry van de Velde Label for Doutreligne 7, a grand piano designed for Piano’s Maene.

This product was developed within the 5X5® innovation process. With 5X5® Voka West-Flanders and Designregion Kortrijk offer companies the opportunity to develop their idea into a new product or service under supervision and in cooperation with a designer or design team.