Architectuurprijs Kortrijk 1

Architecture Prize Kortrijk

The aim of the Kortrijk Architecture Prize is to periodically draw attention to the quality of the city's realised spatial projects.

OPEN CALL: In 2022, small-scale valuable heritage buildings that have been given a new lease of life and small-scale high-quality renovation and new construction projects will be eligible.

This prize is awarded by AK (Architectuur Kortrijk) and ABEKO (Adviesraad Bouwkundig Erfgoed Kortrijk) in cooperation with the city of Kortrijk.

AK (formerly Kortrijk Heritage) has already given out three awards in 2013, 2016 and 2019 and published two books (10 Kortrijk Factory Houses and Daring Town Houses in Kortrijk).

Since 2014, ABEKO has been actively committed to the preservation and revaluation of valuable architectural heritage in the city and organised a Heritage Award in 2019 under the name 'the Gulden Pand'.

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Competition rules

➊ The projects must be located on the territory of the city of Kortrijk (Greater Kortrijk).

For 2022, the architecture prize focuses on buildings constructed by private persons or companies for their own use. The exact content of the competition may change over the years.

The projects have to be provisionally or definitively delivered between 1 January 2013 & 30 May 2022.


Both owners and architects can submit one or more projects before 1 June 2022.

Projects must be submitted digitally via the online application form or the e-mail address:
(can be done via WeTransfer)

Applications must be accompanied by the application form in PDF.