C2L3Play (Cross Border Living Labs) is THE living lab in the cross-border region of Hauts-de-France/Wallonia/Flanders for the sector of "Industries Culturelles et Créatives" (CCI). The aim is to economically "boost" the CCI sector by offering product and/or market expertise through prototypes or technological building blocks that can be valorised by third companies/industries.


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To achieve this objective, the partners of the Cross Border Living Lab support selected projects in a dynamic of complementary expertise, which contribute to value creation in the interregional area. The project partners of the three cross-border regions , Design Regio (Kortrijk), Leiedal (Kortrijk), Le Fresnoy (Tourcoing), Louvre Lens Vallée (Lens), Transcultures (Charleroi), TWIST (Liège), UMONS - Institut Numédiart (Mons) - project leader, UPHF - Université Polytechnique des Hauts-de-France (Valenciennes) are involved in the project. Other associated partners also involved in the project: Mundaneum (Mons), SCV (Villeneuve d'Ascq), Pictanovo (Tourcoing), Les Rencontres Audiovisuelles (Lille), Lille Design (Tourcoing), le Phénix (Valenciennes), the Communauté d'Agglomération de la Porte du Hainaut (Valenciennes) and the Université de Lille (Villeneuve d'Ascq). Since the end of 2016, the project has supported 15 initiators (individuals, entrepreneurs, startups) active in the cultural and creative industries, a sector with great potential for the economic development of the cross-border area. On a macro level, the objective of the project is to establish a cross-border network based on existing physical structures (project partners) working in a "living lab" dynamic, around the theme of cultural and creative industries. Themes related to cultural and creative industries are elaborated in order to focus the projects on innovative solutions that can respond to entrepreneurial or "research" issues. The 9 partners launch calls for projects three times a year in the cross-border area to reach entrepreneurs, artists/creatives and individuals looking for professional and multidisciplinary support to successfully implement their projects. The support of the C2L3Play project takes place before the development of a business (end goal: a natural prototype for the initiator or a technological building block to be developed).

C2L3Play support lasts between 4 and 8 months and is based on the Design Thinking / Double Diamond approach (new in 2019). This makes it possible to create new coaching and ideation initiatives thanks to the technical-creative consortium that has been set up. The partners' resources and equipment are put at the disposal of the initiators: experts (engineers, researchers, business or digital art experts, designers, fab managers, design thinkers), cutting-edge technologies, access to a fab lab and exceptional infrastructures ... with the sole aim of taking the initiators to the prototyping and maturation of their project.

Researchers, citizens, creatives, entrepreneurs: all these actors work together to enable innovation, artistic or entrepreneurial creation, at the service of the supported projects.

The project also offers "Flash WorkOuts", which allow projects to be accelerated over approximately 10 days, thanks to the intensive work of engineers, researchers, experts, developers and creative people. These workshops are used alternately in each of the project regions.

C2L3PLAY is an Interreg cross-border cooperation project between France-Wallonia-Flanders, co-financed by the European Union West Flanders, the Walloon Region and the Haut-de-France region.

C2 L3 Play Crossborder Living Labs Epilogue Group Partners Banner Crop Umons Numediart 2021 Credits Thomas Israel
C2l3play banner

De ondersteuning van C2L3Play duurt tussen de 4 en 8 maanden en is gebaseerd op de Design Thinking / Double Diamond-aanpak (nieuw in 2019). Dit maakt het mogelijk om nieuwe coaching- en ideevormgeefinitiatieven te creëren dankzij het technisch-creatieve consortium dat opgezet werd. De middelen en apparatuur van de partners worden ter beschikking gesteld van de initiatiefnemers: experts (ingenieurs, onderzoekers, experts op het gebied van bedrijfs- of digitale kunst, ontwerpers, fabmanagers, design-managers, design-thinkers), geavanceerde technologieën, toegang tot een fablab en uitzonderlijke infrastructuren … met als enig doel de initiatiefnemers naar de prototyping en de rijping van hun project te brengen.

Onderzoekers, burgers, creatievelingen, ondernemers: al deze actoren werken samen om innovatie, artistieke of ondernemingsgerichte creatie mogelijk te maken, en dit ten dienste van de ondersteunde projecten.

Het project biedt ook “Flash WorkOuts”, waarmee projecten gedurende ongeveer tien dagen versneld uitgevoerd kunnen worden, dankzij het intensieve werk van ingenieurs, onderzoekers, experts, ontwikkelaars en creatieve mensen. Deze workshops worden beurtelings in elk van de projectregio’s ingezet.

C2L3PLAY is een Interreg-project voor grensoverschrijdend samenwerking tussen Frankrijk-Wallonië-Vlaanderen, medegefinancierd door de Europese Unie West-Vlaaderen, het Waals Gewest en de regio Haut-de-France.

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