MAKERS CLUB: Circularity Playground
MAKERS workshop series for children in 6th grade elementary school and 1st and 2nd high school
Are you a young creative mind yearning to bring your innovative ideas to life?
Dive into the world of invention and experience what the interplay of curiosity, collaboration and practical experience brings about. We are going to fix problems like team Scheire did! We think circular and sustainable and experiment with advanced tools like 3D printers, laser cutters and cutting plotters to turn ideas into reality. We are inspired by the "precious plastic" initiative and in complete freedom we turn ideas into tangible inventions. Join us, broaden your knowledge, and start your unique inventors' journey today!
The Circularity Playground series is intended primarily for youth between the ages of 12 and 15, but everyone - including parents, siblings (+12), teachers and other interested parties - is welcome!
We are building toward an open lab concept where you can come without obligation to dream and learn together with like-minded people.