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Workshop: Connecting and facilitating the design process through blockchain and NFTs

Are you already familiar with the Blockchain ecosystem? Have you already bought your first nft?

At Designregio Kortrijk, we are constantly looking for new methods to help entrepreneurs innovate. Collaborations with external designers can play a major role in this. But how do you record these collaborations?

C2 L3 PLAY post Twitter HAROLD K

In this working meeting, we experiment with the blockchain ecosystem. We ask ourselves what this can mean for collaborations between entrepreneurs and designers. Blockchain expert Harold Kinet will first give us an introduction:

  • Introduction of blockchain
  • Blockchain and IP
  • NFT and use cases
  • How to register data on the blockchain?
  • How to create an NFT?

Then we brainstorm about the potential and the added value of this ecosystem for collaborations between entrepreneurs and designers.


  • Tuesday, 14/12/2021, 9h-12h
  • Hangar K
  • Coronaproof setting
  • Free, but registration is required before 09/12/2021.

The workshop will be held in English. Participants may express themselves in their own language (Dutch or French), translation support will be provided.

This workshop is free of charge, but falls under the de minimis regulation.

We can offer this workshop within the C2L3PLAY project. Cross Border Living Labs (C2L3Play) is a living lab for the cultural and creative industries of the cross-border region of Hauts-de-France, Wallonia and Flanders with the support of Interreg.

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More info? ContactStan Dewaele