Vacancy pacesetter cultural capital 2030
Kortrijk wants to be the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2030. We are working on an ambitious action plan. As pacemaker Cultural Capital 2030, you will develop an active and vibrant network that enables the city to submit a unique candidacy for Cultural Capital 2030.
You focus on active cooperation across sectors and domains. From there, you stimulate and realise co-creative projects that have a positive impact on social challenges in our city and region through art and creativity. Thanks to these impact projects, new collaborations are realised between individual citizens and organisations, expertise is developed to realise a sustainable impact, support is created by showing concrete results, etc.
This approach builds on the principles of problem-solving and creative thinking that have been applied in our city and region for centuries. Design Thinking is in our DNA. It is a method, a way of thinking and working to solve problems or develop new ideas in a practical and creative way. It starts from empathy, which is precisely where the power of art lies. Through testing and prototyping it then builds in a co-creative way to arrive at effective solutions. For this, it is crucial that all stakeholders actively participate in the process.
You create an open platform where individual citizens and creative people as well as organisations, entrepreneurs, governments, educational institutions, associations, etc. can participate. can participate in. Everyone is invited to actively contribute to the platform. This can be done in different forms (ideas, time, expertise, money, etc.) or at different levels (strategic, operational, etc.). Every participant becomes an actor of change towards Kortrijk as European Capital of Culture 2030.
The platform focuses on the following objectives:
- CONNECT: Connecting organisations and individuals from different sectors through meeting and creating visibility for projects (internal and external) that contribute to the vision.
- LEARNING: Exchange of knowledge and expertise within the network and beyond.
- DOING: Initiating concrete projects and strengthening existing projects with a positive impact on society.
- EVALUATING internal results and processes and responding to external developments in order to strive for continuous improvement.
The starting point for all this is Broelkaai 6 (BK6) as a co-creative and unique place in the city. BK6 has various functions that are in line with the objectives of the operation:
- low-threshold meeting through Café BK
- workplace via co-office en co-working
- Demonstrating results of processes and projects
Together with the partners, you use these functions to achieve the objectives.
- You see the cooperation between various social domains as an important success factor for the positive approach to social and urban challenges around sustainability, citizenship, super-diversity,...
- You keep your finger on the pulse, have a helicopter view, strategic insight and a sense of reality.
- You have strong analytical skills and can set priorities.
- You are an inspirer and matchmaker, generous to the partners within the network. A team player who succeeds in enthusing, activating and getting various organisations to cooperate in order to achieve the goals.
- You are a good communicator and a good listener.
- You have insight and empathy, listen to other opinions and can assess how they can improve the operation.
- You have a passion for participatory methods that involve various target groups in an active and co-creative way. You are a connector. You have knowledge of participation and stakeholder management and apply it time and again.
- You are patient and can deal with different speeds: accelerate if necessary, but equally slow down if necessary to keep partners involved
- You are stress resistant, critical, flexible, sociable and multilingual (NL, ENG, FR).
- You have a hands-on mentality: you take on projects, initiatives and questions that fit within the BK6 vision with great enthusiasm. You jump in where necessary for the practical organisation of activities.