Oproep culturele en creatieve industrieen

Open data & culturele en creatieve industrieën

Cross Border Living Labs launches a call for projects within the framework of the cross-border Interreg project C2L3PLAY to initiators (designers, artists, SMEs and individuals) from the Cultural and Creative Industries sector. Thanks to this unique opportunity, initiators of the project call can present innovative and inclusive projects (products or services) on two main themes.

1. How can open data be used for the benefit of the Cultural and Creative Industries?

2. How can data and imaging be reconciled?

With the support of C2L3PLAY, the project carriers will be able to try out and test their projects in real conditions. Project partner intercommunal Leiedal makes data available to the participating initiators.

The intermunciple organisation is making the following open data available;

  • DHM II (digital elevation model)
  • GRB (map of parcels and buildings)
  • Aerial photos
  • A LiDAR point cloud of the public domain in LAS format for a given zone
  • A 360° panoramic photo for the South-West Flanders region
  • A detailed orthophoto of the whole area in jpeg 2000
  • A digital surface model in raster format including objects, buildings, ...


The necessary support is offered according to the needs of the project holder. The support lasts 4 to 8 months, during which a kick-off meeting is organised with the partners. In the meeting, an action plan will be drawn up, in which the needs of the project holder can be explained.


  • Deadline for submission of applications: Wednesday 1 April 2020 - 23h30
  • ​Project selection committee: 20 April 2020 from 9:00 to 17:30 (you will receive an invitation by email for the exact time)
  • Start of support: May 2020 in function of the projects

Are you working on a project concerning open data for the cultural and creative industries and would you like to test your project in real-life conditions? Then don't hesitate and register for this unique experience!

More info? ContactStijn Debaillie