Inspiration evening new Built Environment programme - 04.05
The 2023-2024 academic year will be special for Howest. They will be the only university college in Flanders to start the new Bachelor's programme Built Environment. To mark that programme, they will again organise an inspiration academy on 4 May in The Penta, where they will offer a forum to architects, urban planners, project developers, energy specialists, local authorities, teachers, students and other interested parties.
Bachelor Built Environment
The new course, recognised by the Flemish government's Department of Education, trains circular city builders. By June 2026, the first bachelors will graduate in 'City Design & Development', the crucial links for shaping the built environment at the level of houses, neighbourhoods, countryside and cities.
Inspiration academy with two promising speakers
The evening is an initiative launched by Howest to link the experience of the field with the challenges of tomorrow. Interaction, vision and foresight are therefore part of Howest's innovative DNA.
Tim Vekemans, business manager of RE-ST and lecturer at UHasselt, kicks off the evening with a presentation of his book Zwerfruimte/Wanderspace, which maps underutilisation within the existing patrimony, published at the occasion of the Bouwmeesterlabel #15.
According to the Antwerp-based architecture and research practice RE-ST, there is an urgent need for a spatial diet and a less constructionist building culture to safeguard the open space that remains to us. The way to achieve this includes the reallocation of churches and the softening of our municipal road network.
Steven Delva, named architect of the year in the Netherlands in 2021, then talks more about DELVA Landscape Architecture | Urbanism's connection to nature, climate, blue-green spaces and design. Delva won the prestigious International Architect Award in 2022 with the design of the Duincasino in Middelkerke. In the Netherlands and in Flanders, he is making a name for himself with urban and nature projects in major cities and towns. DELVA believes in the power of nature as a means to tackle the spatial challenges of the 21st century. That is why at DELVA they turn the design process upside down and radically opt for the landscape as the basis. Developments are used as a means of densification, greening and sustainability. First green and then gold.

Steven Delva, in 2021 uitgeroepen tot architect van het jaar in Nederland, vertelt vervolgens meer over de verbinding die DELVA Landscape Architecture | Urbanism aangaat met natuur, klimaat, blauw-groene ruimtes en ontwerp. Delva won in 2022 de prestigieuze International Architect Award met het ontwerp van het Duincasino in Middelkerke. In Nederland en in Vlaanderen maakt hij faam met stads-en natuurprojecten in grote steden en gemeenten. DELVA gelooft in de kracht van de natuur als middel om de ruimtelijke opgaven van de 21ste eeuw op te pakken. Daarom keren ze bij DELVA het ontwerpproces ondersteboven en kiezen ze radicaal voor het landschap als basis. Ontwikkelingen worden ingezet als middel om te verdichten, vergroenen en verduurzamen. Eerst groen en vervolgens goud.
Geïnteresseerden kunnen na inschrijving gratis aansluiten op 4 mei om 19u in The Penta op Kortrijk Weide.