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Inspiration Academy Built Environment receives Prof. Tuba Kocaturk

We would like to invite you to the Built Environment Inspiration Academy on Monday evening 25 September 2023 at The Penta at Howest. For this edition, we snared Professor Tuba Kocaturk (Deakin University) from Geelong, Australia, which, like Kortrijk, is a UNESCO Creative City of Design. She will share her insights on Ambient Intelligence, a transdisciplinary innovation model for the relationship between humans and the built environment.


19:00: Reception

19:30: Welcome by Wout Maddens

19:40: Keynote by Prof Tuba Kocaturk

20:25: Q&A

20:40: Reception

A Trans-disciplinary Model of Innovation for the Built Environment

The transition from a digital to an experience-based economy affects many sectors and strongly shapes the way we design, build and interact with our built environment. Data-driven and smart design creates new economic, social and cultural values.

In her keynote, Professor Kocaturk explores the transformative potential of integrated computer models, spatial intelligence and real-time connectivity to create new interactions between people and the built environment. She focuses on designing new places that are more responsive to human needs and activities. From that perspective, she introduces you to Ambient Intelligence. This model is based on a transdisciplinary approach to innovative design and questions our existing way of working and interacting with other disciplines. Expect concrete cases from the MInD (Mediated Intelligence in Design) Research Lab.

One such case is the Spatially Intelligent Arts Center where smart and innovative applications monitor spatial, physical and social parameters to map the experience and operational efficiency of a building. For another case, Western Beach, the team developed a form of "spatial storytelling" using immersive technologies. The result is a very innovative way of connecting residents to the history and heritage of a place or city through daily experience.

Both projects were set up in Geelong (Australia), like the Kortrijk region recognised by Unesco as a City of Design.

Register soon for this intriguing exploration tailored for city planners, designers, designers, urban planners, architects, real estate experts, property developers and policy makers.

Tuba Kocaturk

Tuba Kocaturk is Professor of Integral Design and Deputy Head of the School of Architecture and Built Environment at Deakin University. She is an architect, lecturer and she leads research on technology-driven design and innovation in the field of Built Environment. Tuba is founder and director of the MInD (Mediated Intelligence in Design) Research Lab, which works at the intersection of Built Environment, Information Technology and Design Innovation.

Tuba kocaturk

An initiative of the Built Environment programme

The Inspiration Academy is an initiative of Howest's brand-new Built Environment course, a unique education that moulds the urban builders of tomorrow. This Inspiration Academy reflects the strength of the collaboration within Design Region Kortrijk, involving all partners: Howest, Kortrijk Xpo, Leiedal, City of Kortrijk, Ghent University and Voka West Flanders.

More info? ContactStijn Debaillie