Discover FABZERO's online maker training programs
Fabzero is dé online makersopleiding waar je helemaal ondergedompeld wordt in innoverende technieken, makerspaces in een netwerk dat zich uitstrekt over gans Vlaanderen.
Fabzero is the online makerspace where you will be totally immersed in innovative techniques, makerspaces in a network that stretches all over Flanders.
You'll learn all about:
- Digital Fabrication: 3D printing, laser cutting, electronics...
- Future Fabrics: digital embroidery, digital knitting, cutting plotting...
- Level IT UP: programming, python, iot, home automation...
And this as accessible as possible (affordable, reachable, understandable).
By the way, all trainings, workshops and short-term pathways can be taken simply from home or in the BUDA::lab!