BUDA::lab - Dimitri Vermeylen
Dimitri is 49 and lives in Sint-Maria-Latem. You can always bother him for anything related to printing and photography. This mini-interview tells you more about what he does in BUDA lab.
How did you end up at BUDA lab?
I found Buda through the web, on a search for a maker lab.
What made you decide to become a volunteer?
I stuck with Buda thanks to the other volunteers. For the fun.
What is your contribution as a volunteer at Buda?
I help people when they come in and sometimes do small chores.
What makes Buda lab worthwhile, fun or special to you?
The volunteers and the atmosphere. I can't compare with any other lab because I haven't visited any others yet.
How would you describe BUDA lab?
A maker lab where you can have your way.
What specialty(s) do you have as a maker at Buda?
Printing and photography.
What do you like to make yourself?
I make letters, clichés and pieces of machinery.
What materials do you like to work with?
Wood, paper, paint and ink.
How do you like to see Buda lab evolve?
As a collaborative workplace, even more so. Bigger, younger...
Let's hope for that! Thanks for the interview.