WONDER CLUB is the exclusive connection for high-end design-oriented companies, powered by Designregio Kortrijk.
A collective of ambassadors of strong design, innovation and collaboration.
Kortrijk UNESCO Design Region
Region Kortrijk is known ánd rewarded for its outstanding design production companies and enthusiasm for collaborating with designers.

In a fast-changing world, you want to be inspired by trends and innovations that spark your imagination.
WONDER CLUB is a select network of strong design brands that are shaping the future together.
With combined forces and in collaboration with Designregio Kortrijk, WONDER CLUB explores new opportunities and inspiration around themes such as digital, social, planet & talent.

Join the club!
Interested in being part of a community of like-minded people? Be inspired throughout the year by innovative perspectives that stimulate creativity and new solutions. Connect with the network and projects of Designregio Kortrijk? Exhibiting your products in the WONDER CLUB HOUSE during WONDER Creativity Festival in front of more than 16000 visitors?

Discover the companies and their products
And explore our curated inspiration guideFind us on instagram