WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION exhibition presents the designers of tomorrow, through an overview of the best student projects from creative (higher) design education, selected by a jury.
From 17 October to 3 November at the Budafabriek in Kortrijk during the WONDER Creativity Festival.
Exhibition concept by Arne Desmet (Fractall) with the support of Gyproc. Graphic design by Lucas Vermeire and Corneel Vaneeckhout.
Every year since 2014, Designregio Kortrijk and its partners have been looking for the next generation of Belgian design talent in product design, architecture, graphic design and game design through an overview of the best student projects from creative design education (colleges and universities). By 2023, the expo could welcome over 11,000 visitors.
Students can submit their student project for participation now, using the form at the bottom of this page (deadline Tuesday, 2 July).

WONDER Creativity Festival
The exhibition will continue from 17 October to 3 November 2024 and is part of WONDER Creativity Festival in Kortrijk.
WONDER pushes the boundaries of your imagination in downtown Kortrijk. WONDER wants both young creative force and established values from all walks of life and disciplines - from design to art - to put forward their vision of a better future.
The festival takes visitors along a free trail of extraordinary places, with stunning exhibitions, installations and events that delight the senses, and draw them into the future!
Who can participate?
Students from the following programmes at Belgian colleges and universities:
Product design
Industrial product design, textiles, fashion, accessories, furniture design
Interior, buildings, public space and landscapes
Graphic design
Graphics and illustration, advertising design, web and digital
Game design
View all participants of last edition here or via via @wearethenextgeneration.be.

- The student project must have been developed within the framework of a (creative) design course at a Belgian college or university in academic year 2023-2024.
- The projects will be assessed in early July by a jury consisting of representatives of Designregio Kortrijk, Flanders DC and professionals from the various design sectors. They take into account the innovative character, social relevance, sustainability and exposeability of the project.
- The project will be brought and picked up in Kortrijk by the submitter.
For all your questions, contact: lisa@designregio-kortrijk.be
- Participation is free!
- The selected projects will be included in offline and online communication by WE ARE THE NEXT GENERATION, WONDER Creativity Festival and Designregio Kortrijk.
- The exhibition is coordinated by Designregio Kortrijk, from scenography, copywriting and signage to photography, communication and press. Graphic design by Lucas Vermeire and Corneel Vaneeckhout, scenography by Arne Desmet.
- In addition, Flanders DC offers personal guidance to three of those selected. Besides a sounding board for your business plans, they also offer a team of advisers who will analyse them and provide targeted support with advice on your business model, market expansion, pricing, investments,... you name it. In a number of sessions tailored to your needs, we work step by step towards a roadmap that gives you a big boost towards your goals.

You can submit your student project until Tuesday 2 July 2024.
The jury consisting of representatives of Designregio Kortrijk, Flanders DC and professionals from the various design sectors will meet early July to select the projects for exhibition. You will be informed of your selection by mid July.
Communication for the exhibition starts in early September.
The expo through the years