Design thinking for the healthcare sector
Development of new healthcare products and services through co-creation and design thinking.
In collaboration with

Via Design Thinking co-creation, we developed, with all stakeholders, solutions for intuitively manageable digitised menu choices for the residents of W&Z Heilig Hart.
Partners: Designregio Kortrijk, Woon & Zorg Groep Heilig Hart, Voka West-Vlaanderen
Looptijd: 01/01/2021-31/12/2021
Total budget: €156,340
ERDF support granted: €62,536 (40%)

Interested? Contact Stijn!

Stijn Debaillie
As coordinator, Stijn takes care of the ins and outs of the organisation. He is always looking for exciting opportunities for the organisation, both as a subsidy project or as a service.Aside from the above, Stijn is also leading the business and design work group for the 49 UNESCO Cities of Design, through which he exchanges knowledge and projects and builds up an international network for the organisation and the Kortrijk region.