Building Based on BioBased (BBoBB)

BBoBB is an interregional cooperation project within the North Sea region on biobased (re)construction.

We believe that the transition to a circular economy is an important means to work on the climate challenge with the prospect of new business models. The transition from traditional to bio-based building materials offers a unique opportunity to contribute to this.

Vezelhennep oogsten 2021 1
Interreg North Sea logo 2023 CMYK BBOBB 02
Logo Klein

Making strides together in bio-based value chains

The pressure on the construction industry and its footprint is increasing. As much as 11% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from construction. And the production of building materials in particular has a large share in this. Fortunately, there are now many natural alternatives to traditional building materials. Think of crops such as flax, cattail, elephant grass, wool, straw and hemp.

Using these materials in construction offers benefits on several levels;

✔ New earning models for farmers

✔ A positive contribution to a healthier living environment

✔ A sustainable solution for the construction sector through CO2 storage

With the European project BBoBB, we are focusing with 16 partners from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France and the Netherlands on developing and strengthening value chains for bio-based building. From farmers to processors to architects and builders.

Zantman Architecten altijd deze bron vermelden
Kinderen ontdekken het Biobased Doolhof in Workum

Develop, strengthen and scale up

We are working on an international approach to address obstacles in the chains. We do this through three work packages:

  1. Strengthen government and policy to scale up biobased value chains;
  2. Setting up pilots of biobased value chains in the North Sea region;
  3. Design, raise awareness and involve industrial designers, architects and new clients.

Within these work packages, we are jointly committed to developing, strengthening and scaling up biobased value chains in the North Sea region. The structure of the activities and the composition of the partners ensure that all parties in the chain can be brought together. The international cooperation and exchange of knowledge offers a jump in scale to create both economic and ecological impact with the application of biobased materials.

With BBoBB, we show that it can be done!

This project is funded by the EU's Interreg North Sea region programme and the province of West-Flanders.

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