Design 4 Innovation

Design 4 innovation: online inspiratie- en netwerknamiddag

Are you curious about what design and innovation can do for your business? Then register for the free session on 17 June 2021 as part of the Design 4 Innovation project.

Analyses show that companies that strategically invest in design and innovation are more profitable and grow faster. That is why the Flemish government is putting a lot of effort into supporting innovation in companies. In this session, find out how your company can obtain financial support and get to know companies that can help you on your way with your innovation project.

With the international project Design for Innovation (D4I), eight European partners work together to promote design as a tool for user-driven innovation. D4I helps SMEs to create more and better products and services, to grow faster and to increase their competitiveness through innovation.

On the basis of a number of successful practical examples from Flanders, we bring companies with an innovation question together with companies from the design sector so that they can inspire each other and explore opportunities for cooperation. Financial instruments such as the SME subsidy are also explained in detail.

Are you curious about what design and innovation can mean for your company?
Then register for the free session on 17 June 2021 as part of the Design 4 Innovation project. Get in touch with other companies about your concrete innovation question and discover what support measures VLAIO has in store for you to give your innovation project every chance.

Design for Innovation is supported by: Flanders DC, VLAIO, Designregio Kortrijk, Ministry of Makers and Antwerp. Powerd by Creatives.

Programme of the event:

Welcome + overview, what is design for innovation (in Flanders)
5 x 7 min. inspiring design-for-innovation cases by the designers
Is my innovation project subsidisable + explanation of the new call for SME growth subsidies - Bas Sturm of Team Bedrijfstrajecten VLAIO
Regional and Flemish agenda on design for innovation
Speeddate with designers and innovation experts
Because of the still prevailing guidelines, the afternoon will take place entirely digitally. You will receive the link to this online meeting together with additional practical information after your Registration.


If you want to register with more than one person, please fill in a new form for each participating person.

Meer info? ContacteerStijn Debaillie